Madeira Island - A Photographer's ParadiseMadeira Island News 

Madeira Island – A Photographer’s Paradise

Madeira is a Portuguese island archipelago that includes four islands. Located off the northwest coast of Africa, it is known for its wine and warm, subtropical climate. The island is volcanic and green, with rugged terrain. The capital city of Funchal is famous for its harbor and New Year fireworks display.


If you want to take beautiful landscape photos, Madeira is a must-visit destination. This small volcanic island can be reached in about an hour by car, and has plenty of scenic photo spots right within your grasp. The landscape is incredibly varied, and you will be able to take photos of everything from shimmering waterfalls to dramatic coastline. Madeira is not the place for beach lovers, but it is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts and landscape photographers.

One of the most famous photo spots on the island is the Ponta de Sao Lourenco. This rocky area divides the wet northern side of the island from the dry, fertile eastern side. The best time to photograph this spot is in the early morning, when the sun is just breaking through the dark clouds.

Madeira is an enchanting island with friendly people and stunning nature. In addition to its enchanting landscapes, Madeira is home to the renowned Fanal Forest, a majestic forest on the island’s north-western coast. The forest is surrounded by mysterious fog and is filled with graceful hanging branches and trees. You can even meet friendly cows roaming the area.

Walking and hiking are also popular activities on Madeira. Many of the hiking routes include steep cliffs covered in lush vegetation. For the more energetic traveler, a canyoning excursion can let you rappel down waterfalls. A trip like this will allow you to see parts of the island that would otherwise be inaccessible to the general public. Other popular activities include hiking along the sea cliffs and walking the ancient canals of Madeira. The canals, known as levadas, were built by the early Portuguese settlers to irrigate the western side of the island for agriculture. The levadas also take you through the lush forest regions that surround the city of Funchal.

The Madeira island landscapes vary greatly depending on the season. Winter months see the most rain and are wettest on the north of the island, while spring and autumn are drier in Funchal. The island’s main festival, the flower festival, is held during the spring. Wine festivals are also celebrated during the grape harvest, which is harvested on the island’s warm south coast.


Madeira is home to a wide variety of animals, including resident and migratory species of whales, dolphins, and seabirds. Species like the common bottlenose dolphin and sperm whale can be seen in the waters around Madeira. The island also has a native lizard known as the Madeiran wall lizard.

There are about 3340 species of animals living on Madeira. Most of these are insects, but there are also some endemic species. Clicking on the links below will show you photos of each species. Many species are incredibly difficult to identify, but there are some websites that can help. DragonflyPix is an excellent resource for information and photographs about dragonflies and other insects on Madeira.

Madeira Island is also home to 40 species of birds, including the endangered Island Canary. The Island Canary is a small endemic bird that is primarily found in the Laurissilva forest. Other common birds include seagulls and gray herons. Almost thirty percent of the island’s birds are endemic.

Madeira Island enjoys a subtropical climate. Temperatures are usually between 16-18degC from December to February, and between 18-23degC in spring, summer, and autumn. The rainy season on the island usually lasts for less than 24 hours. There are also some great beaches, which attract surfers from all over the world.

Madeira is home to an interesting bird species, the Madeira pigeon. This species lives only on the island, and their population is estimated to be around ten thousand individuals. Other interesting birds include the chaffinch, swallow-the-mountain, and firecrest. The island is also home to the cigarette lizard, which is a common sight in the gardens.

The island’s forest cover covers approximately 22% of its land. The forest is predominantly located on the north side, between 300 and 1300 metres above sea level. Madeira is considered one of the world’s largest Laurisilva forests, and its Laurisilva ecosystem is similar to that of the Azores and Cape Verde.

Apart from the local flora, Madeira is also home to an extensive array of marine creatures. Many species of dolphins and whales can be found in the deep Atlantic waters.

Madeira Island - A Photographer's Paradise
Madeira Island - A Photographer's Paradise 2


The weather on Madeira is mild and welcoming during the Christmas holiday, making it an ideal place to celebrate the festive season. Traditionally, preparations for Madeira’s Christmas festival begin as early as November and include a host of cultural events, shows and fun. The main event of the festival, the Madeira Christmas Spirit, takes place on the island’s Mercado dos Lavradores on 23 December.

The island is also home to a thriving film festival. The Madeira Film Festival is a non-competitive festival that awards an award called the Laurissilva Ambassador Prize. Held at the Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias in Funchal, the festival is organized by Aitken Pearson. Founded in 2012, the festival plays a prominent role on the national film festival scene.

The island hosts several festivals every year. In June, the Atlantic Festival marks the beginning of the summer season on Madeira. The festival includes pyrotechnic shows and musical performances. Other events include the Madeira Music Festival and Regional Arts Week. If you visit the island during this period, be sure to attend at least one of these festivals.

Music lovers will be delighted to know that Madeira has an active cultural scene, and there are a number of festivals that highlight this history. The region has a rich musical heritage that has been influenced by European and Arab music. It is also home to a vibrant folklore festival that features local, national and international artists.

Funchal is home to some of the island’s biggest events. The Porto da Cruz Wine Festival is one of the island’s most popular cultural events. The city is renowned for its dry red wine (vinho seco), and the annual Grape and Farmer festival pays tribute to the city’s winemaking prowess. The festival features unique floats, costumed performances and iconic winemaking equipment.

There are also several festivals in Madeira that celebrate local cuisine. The Machico Food Festival Week, held in summer, highlights the unique flavours of the island’s cuisine. At this event, a variety of restaurants set up around a stage in Largo da Praca provide delicious local fare. The festival also features live music throughout the week. On the final day, the festival concludes with a cocktail festival.


Madeira is a Portuguese autonomous region of four islands off the coast of Africa. It is known for its wine and warm subtropical climate. The main island is green and volcanic, with high cliffs and pebbly beaches. The island also has several deltas on the Faj River. The capital, Funchal, has a harbor and botanic gardens. The island also hosts a spectacular New Year’s fireworks show.

The island has a diverse economy, including agriculture, tourism, and commerce. However, the island’s population has not always been growing as it has in the past. In 2001, the island’s population decreased, compared to the previous decade. But by 2011, the number had increased to its 1960s level. This increase was attributed to both immigration and the rectification of errors in the 2001 Census.

Madeira is a Portuguese island located in the Atlantic Ocean. It lies about 400 kilometers north of Tenerife and has a mild climate. It has an amazing variety of plants and animals and has a population of around 270,000. Its capital, Funchal, has an estimated 111,000 people. The island’s southern coast is home to most of the island’s residents.

Madeira is home to three endemic species of birds. The Madeiran Storm-petrel, the North Atlantic Little Shearwater, and the Cory’s Shearwater are all found in Madeira’s forests. Madeira also contains important floral diversity. Its forests are similar to those that covered Northern Africa and Southern Europe millions of years ago.

Madeira is made up of two inhabited islands. Porto Santo Island is the smaller one, and is located in the North Atlantic Ocean. The island is one of the seven outermost regions of the European Union. The island lies between 32o 59’40 N and 33o 07’35 W.

Madeira has a mild climate. Its temperatures average 25º in summer and 18 °C to 20 °C in winter. As a result, the island is ideal for outdoor activities.

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