Crown Princess, Norwegian Epic brought more than 11000 in 2 daysMadeira Island News 

Crown Princess, Norwegian Epic brought more than 11000 in 2 days

In two days , the port of Funchal had over 11 thousand passengers . Crown Princess brought 7,332 Norwegian Epic cruise and brought 3,800 passengers on board .

The Port of Funchal received on 23 October 2013 the cruise ship Norwegian Epic . Brought 3,800 passengers on board . As a curiosity , this flashy liner , especially the upper floors in front of you , as evidenced by the dark color , when it was built in 2010 , was the world’s third largest .

However , the previous day , the numbers of passengers who were in Madeira were more evident . Two ships, 7,332 passengers passed through the port . The Independence of the Seas brought 3,932 passengers and Crown Princess 3400 .
All in all, these two days have gone by cruise ships in Funchal 11,132 passengers , which also can join many of the crew , part of which also arrives and helps to boost the economy . Incidentally, in this context , the number of passengers , based on the average each tourist stops in Madeira at each scale , which is 70 euros, passengers who passed through here these two days will be injected in the Autonomous Region about 800 thousand euros .

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