Innovative Transportation Solutions in Madeira: From E-Scooters to Ride-SharingMadeira Guide 

Innovative Transportation Solutions in Madeira: From E-Scooters to Ride-Sharing

Transport is important and Madeira understands this. For this reason, there are so many innovative modes of transport here. Let’s see what the tourist Madeira has to offer.

Innovative Transportation Solutions in Madeira

In cities around the world, people depend on public transportation to move around. It is estimated that over 55% of the global population currently resides in urban areas, and this number is projected to reach nearly 70% by 2050, as reported by the UN. As cities expand, there is a pressing need to increase the capacity of public transportation while also addressing the growing impact of climate change and the role of fossil fuel-powered transport systems.

Several cities and countries have already recognized these demands by developing inventive transportation systems that cater to the needs of both their residents and the environment. Madeira is one of the pioneers in this field.


Indeed, apart from the substitution of a lightweight petrol engine with an electric drive, the current e-scooters bear a striking resemblance to the Eveready Autoped, which made its debut over a century ago. These two vehicles parallel each other in terms of their size, design, functionality, and speed. As for micro mobility vehicles, they are poised to experience only incremental improvements rather than revolutionary changes. These enhancements would further bolster their sustainable credentials, including advancements in battery technologies and recyclability.

Furthermore, the safety of these vehicles will be heightened through innovations in collision avoidance, improved stability, and intelligent systems that monitor adherence to pavement riding and parking restrictions. In Madeira, more and more locals and tourists are opting for this modern mode of transportation.

The main thing is to remember your own safety when traveling by public transport or even a scooter. Your smartphone will try to connect to the nearest open Wi-Fi network to save data. However, this is not safe, because the data can be stolen and used against us. The simplest solution is a VPN that encrypts information. For example, VeePN has 256-bit military-grade encryption that is unbreakable. If you do not want to be in the risk zone, it is better to prepare your devices and install a VPN in advance.

Electric bus e.City Gold

In December 2017, a demonstration of an electric bus took place in Madeira as part of the Civitas Destinations Project. This project, co-financed by the Horizon 2020 Programme, involved the coordination of AREAM, three bus service operators, and the Regional Government of Madeira.

The focus of the test was to assess the feasibility of using electric buses on the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo, while also supporting local stakeholders in devising a strategy to decarbonize the bus service sector.

The results of the demonstration indicated that electric buses are not only technically feasible but also cost-effective and environmentally friendly compared to diesel and natural gas-powered buses. Additionally, they exhibited sufficient power and torque to meet the demands and handle the road slopes of Madeira.

Self-driving taxis

Madeira has taken the initiative to launch a driverless car system. Testing a self-driving car system on public roads is a priority. There aren’t many self-driving cars in rental cars and taxis yet, but this trend is only going to get stronger.


Rideshares, much like hitchhiking in the past, offer a cost-effective way for travelers to catch a lift with locals. With the rise of smartphones and applications, rideshares have improved security and reliability compared to hitchhiking. This is particularly true for someone who used to hitchhike frequently.


While rideshares are not free like hitchhiking, they are generally more affordable than other modes of transportation and can be a lot of fun. Typically facilitated through an app or website, rideshares provide a reliable means of reaching your destination at a reasonable rate. Additionally, riders can enjoy peace of mind as drivers are required to create profiles and share details about their vehicles.


Madeira has shown its dedication to sustainability and forward-thinking transportation solutions. This is evident in the recent addition of electric scooters, an electric bus, and self-driving taxis, as well as the expansion of rideshares. As numerous cities worldwide aim to lessen their reliance on fossil fuels, Madeira sets an example for other nations to emulate.

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